Burial/Cremation Information


Please find below the burial fees and regulations for the Cemetery in West Halton, these fees will be reviewed annually.

West Halton & Coleby Cemetery – Charges For Burial

Please click below to view Burial/Cremation charges for residents and non-residents.

West Halton & Coleby Cemetery – Regulations

Notes for Funeral Directors:
Completed forms including the Parish Council’s information form must be completed to the Parish Clerk before any internment. A copy of the charges and regulations must be provided to the next of kin or executor.

Excavation for graves should be undertaken on the day of internment. In exceptional circumstances, the grave may be excavated the day before. In this case, the funeral director is responsible for ensuring that the grave is covered at all times when it is unattended with a load bearing material that will prevent people falling into the grave.

All excess spoil is to be removed from the cemetery within 2 months of the internment. If excess spoil heaps /dumped soil is not removed, West Halton and Coleby Parish Council reserve the right to remove the waste and charge the funeral director.

Payment for internment should be submitted at the time of the request for internment. The Parish Council reserves the right to refuse any burial if payment has not been made beforehand.

The cemetery is to be kept clean and tidy during excavations for the benefit of relatives visiting existing graves.

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