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West Halton and Coleby Parish
The official website for the Parish Council
An online destination for news and information about all aspects of village life.
The Parish Council is committed to working for the good of the whole of the area and wants to hear your views on what we should be doing to support the local community.
The next meeting of West Halton and Coleby Parish Council take place on Thursday 5th September 2024 – 6.30 p.m.
All members of the public will receive a warm welcome.
There have recently been a number of incidents in which fraudsters are impersonating police officers over the phone or in person and trying to scam people out of money. Humberside Police will NEVER ask people to assist them with a police investigation.
Humberside Police have issued an information poster relating to impersonation fraud; please click here for more information.
Coleby Village Defibrillator
We are pleased to announce that a defibrillator has been installed in Coleby Village. The defib is registered on ‘The Circuit’, which is the National defibrillator Network. This provides the NHS ambulance services with vital information about defibrillators so that in these crucial moments after a cardiac arrest, they can be accessed quickly to help save lives.
The Parish Council would like to thank the Coleby resident who has kindly allowed the unit to be installed on their property and also North Lincolnshire Council for the funding.
To view the West Halton and Coleby newsletters please click here
There still seems to be a minority of people who constantly insist on throwing litter, especially out of car windows; cans bottles and a lot of fast-food packaging. This is antisocial and totally unacceptable in today’s society.
However, we are extremely lucky to have a large contingent of regular volunteer litter pickers who strive to keep our community clean and tidy, to whom we express our sincere thanks.
If anyone is ever short of equipment such as high vis jackets, litter ‘grabbers’ and red waste bags please do contact the Parish clerk, or alternatively Cllr. Ralph Ogg cllr.ralphogg@northlincs.gov.uk.
Thank you in advance.
Photographs of West Halton
If you have any more of interest, please send them to clerk@westhaltonandcolebyparishcouncil.org.uk
Environment Agency Flood Alerts
The Council
The Parish Council consists of elected Parish Councillors
Meetings are held every month in the West Halton Village Hall
Notices that affect the local community are published here
The Parish Council produces an end-of-year financial statement